
About Us

Spring Creek Welcomes You!


Spring Creek Elementary serves more than 740 students in grades PreK-5. It is located just outside the scenic Chattanooga Valley in East Ridge, TN - conveniently close to Hamilton Place Mall, Lake Winnie, Rock City, Ruby Falls, Chickamauga Battlefield, and many other natural wonders and historic sites.

Our faculty and staff pride themselves on providing an engaging and energetic learning environment where students explore and use higher level critical thinking skills to master the TN Ready Standards and Tennessee Benchmarks.


 SCES Admin Team

          Assistant Principals
     Mrs. Kristy Dillard                                    Ms. Tasha Flowers
    423-855-6138                                           423-855-6138
                   [email protected]                         [email protected]              
                                                                           Ms. Laura McCutcheon
                                                                      [email protected]


Spring Creek Elementary School believes that our eaglets SOAR

SOAR is to provide     Safety
                                                      Achieving Goals

SCES also believes that our staff members SOAR

SOAR is to provide     Service
                                                                  Academic Achievement
                                                              Relationship Building

Positive Behavior Initiative

Here at Spring Creek, we pride ourselves on being proactive rather than reactive. We encourage student positive behavior through incentives instead of a more punitive method. 

In order to achieve this all students are sorted into 1 of 4 houses. Throughout the week as teachers and staff catch students in the act of being a good student and person, the student earns a token. They then get to add this token to their house jar.

At the end of the week all of the tokens earned are counted, and the house with the most tokens wins for the week. Token counts take place on Thursday. That Friday students of the winning house are rewarded with a dress down day. 

At the end of the month, we total all of the tokens from the previous weeks to determine which house has the most tokens. Once a month we have a "house celebration day." On this day, the students find out what house won for the month, and the winning house gets to participate in a special surprise. We have had a video game truck, a magic show, bouncy houses, and more! Students in the other houses do team building games and have an afternoon of fun while the winning house enjoys their special time.

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